We perform analysis of economic, financial, and market data, both current and historic, to determine appropriate investment selection and portfolio allocation. The management is done with no-load mutual funds on a discretionary basis and is continuous in its review; we make ongoing tactical reallocations to address market and economic variables. The allocations are diversified. We believe the quality of the underlying security and the diversification of the portfolio are the cornerstones of sound portfolio management. The allocation is further evaluated utilizing the data from accepted portfolio theory. We employ a questionnaire to determine a client’s circumstances, objectives, and risk profile which the client may revise at any time.
Fund evaluation and selection is another key to our money management philosophy. We review and analyze which managers we perceive as superior in their particular disciplines. Our review encompasses online database search and analysis, resource references such as Morninstar, Standard & Poors, Valueline, and on-going research from current periodicals, specialty research, annual reports, prospectuses, filings with the SEC, and company press releases. Numerous reference resources are utilized and all research is paid for by the firm.